Mesh, Mash, Revolution Pt.2 ft. Riley


First thing I have to say is that while this project was being explained and such I was asleep and came in late, meaning I missed all of it. Furthermore, I got tied up in school and totally forgot to ask someone what was happening but in the end, it worked well I think. 

We were supposed to generate around 6 or more concepts with a single or double perimeter (hollow) that was self-supporting too. A few of my objects were not self-supporting as I was a bit confused on what was and what wasn't but the more that I think about it, it doesn't really matter in the end if you merge two objects together that are being put into a placement that supports the two. Which is kind of what my partner and I did above. 

Top View

Working with a partner

I was partnered with Riley Warren, they had some cool concepts that I was trying to do but couldn't figure out at the time (being the helix). 

Riley's Concepts:

One thing I did was trying to recreate his forms on my own to better understand how they function and how they were made. And considering how I didn't know how the helix was made, it made it all the more fun.

While viewing the Helix I thought to myself. This looks like a twisted object in general so I played around with rectangles and twisted them by creating an axis in the centre of them. Doing so by using the circle used for placement for the centre tool and then found the centre again using the two facing pillars. 

I then mirrored and place them on one another and it was that simple really. But with this idea, I could further implement it within our project... (ominous)


On the left is Riley's sketches, the last one on the very bottom used the swirl formation as pillars and got me thinking of the Helix formation I learnt. As they were just elongated rectangles twisted from a centre axis I could just do the same with the pillars he created out of this shape he elongated too:

This             to          this                                    

Now begins our problems                 

While playing with concepts, one of the concepts we were stuck on was this combination of stuff Riley made of our objects. Riley has done 3D printing before and was talking about how the angle of the vase looking object could be too steep so he added the pillars used later. The one problem this concept had was that the helix formation on the top was made out of a single strip that was twisted and bent no longer touching. One of the main points I was thinking about for a helix is that the pillars or strips need to touch to for the x areas to make it stable which was not happening.

We tried making it 3-dimensional but as it was already twisted and bent it was no longer a surface we could work with and would probably have to remake everything. 

Here I am playing around with this concept of having the helix on the top portion of the vase: 
I came up with 6 different iterations of the top portion using a bunch of the different commands given. #3 from the left was the closest to my vision of the helix on top but in the end, it didn't really work out due to time constraints I think.

Extra Combination concepts: 

The next concept was the final one we chose, it was the helix combination of Riley's two objects supporting the angle steep of my vase. I think it works as the objects have a lot of movement going on with their designs and the merging of Riley's objects made them flow even more.

Using the 3D Printing Program Prusa Slicer

There were a ton of problems with the final design, I accidentally made duplicated within the design and the bottom form of the vase did something weird and didn't join together properly. So we had to go in and delete, reform and take previous iterations of our object into the final to make it work in the program. And recheck out printer settings.

Another thing we did was do a split command on the bottom of this object to make sure it was exactly the surface with the 3D printing plane. Just a planar srf and split and it was all Gucci again. 

And one of my weird favourite things to look at are statistics in stuff, probably because of games but anyways. Here's the final info Slicer gave us on our object. 

Final Mess:

Final Chosen Combined Objects: 


This is probably the last time I will write for this class so (unless there's one more post)...

*Jk there's still more problems.

IN the process of getting fixed

So I was getting more confused trying to work with the original object's file so I redid it again and this time added one more thing being the extra thorn to the crown thing. The tips of the crown at closer inspection had this weird formation going on so I had to remove it and close it.

For some reason when I got rid of the helix entering the vase the helix on the outside would simply stop. I think it's because it recognizes them as two separate objects or something?? But I eventually fixed it afterwards. 

Heres the final render and more stuff to look at: 


Now, this is the end. (I think?) nope. 

Here is the end, so basically get rid of the lip and stretch the helix was the solution which is really a basic solution when written down but the process was a bit of a pain in the ass so Im just going to send this final photo here. 


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