Mesh, Mash, Revolution


I noticed I always get overzealous with a project and go a tiny bit overboard but hey at least I'm doing what I like. So with that said, I was tasked to create meshed and mashed object creations with a limitation to one creature object out of ten. 

The whole thing revolves around this idea of "Remix Culture" but what is it?  Personally, I describe it as when society uses preexisting materials and media to create new imagery and ideas that relate back to the original building blocks of media that made them. These newly created imageries then take new narratives and ideas that have depth in terms of their cultural context. 

Throughout this project, the only pain was seeing constant baby Yodas in the explore page when trying to find objects to use for this assignment. There are literally too many of them in the explore feed...

Object #1: (Creature Object) Lady Liberty (She's over it...)


During the lecture, I have to admit I was browsing throughout the website of Thingverse and saw the armour suit Ironman made based on the Hulk or was it to contain the hulk? Either way, I immediately thought, Lady Liberty in a giant mecha suit who has had enough and decided to go for a more intense method for freedom. I based the composition on that romanticist painting Libert Leading the People by Delacroix. I won't go too in-depth with the meaning but it was basically patriotism to the maximum and freedom to the max, freedom no matter the cost even by through death. I just felt that I needed that background and context to really push the mood and feeling the object gives (being a giant suit of armour being controlled by Lady Liberty)

I needed the peasants just for the background and for the corpse hill that the whole scene takes place on

I had an idea to use The Statue of Liberty but it made the whole object seem more American somehow (probably because it's highly associated with American identity), even with the French flag so I scrapped it and just went with a bust of Athena.

Object #2: Shark Comb

Links: BladesComb

Something nice a simple, a shark comb. 
Originally I just thought knife comb as the bristles on a comb is sometimes sharp, lucky me that I found a shark comb to emphasize this idea of sharpness of a hair comb. A bit inspired by Le Déjeuner en fourrure by Méret Oppenheim in terms of seeing and "thinking-feeling" (feeling something through previous interactions) without actually feeling it at all. Slightly bored with this idea.

Object #3 & #4: Rockets, Rockets, More Rockets

This is a bunch of missiles dressed up as Christmas presents beings fired at an alarming pace. Contrasting elements as missiles are highly dangerous and not wanted while presents are sometimes not highly dangerous and most of the time wanted. I chose torpedos instead of a missile because they seem more comically menacing and hilarious, then pair that with it coming at high speeds it does something alright.

Extra boring info: So many things went through my head with this one, specifically just the idea of this one game. So basically, in FFBE the characters have an ultimate move called a Limit Burst and all of the CG videos for rare heroes and such have so many things flying in the air. Literally, almost all of them have something that splits, flys, homes, etc. 

Another idea that came to mind with the missile was this smoking a rocket concept. Almost reminds me of anti war propganda posters and such comparing a negative thing with another negative thing to create a link almost. This being the toxicity of smoking and the dangerousness of warfare/weapons

Object #5: Menacing Lucky Cat Statue

Links: Lucky CatHand

Another simple mesh.
Before one questions if this is a creature or not I'm saying its an object, a lucky cat statue. There are so many iconographies for luck in Asian culture spanning from colours to objects. The lucky cat statues I've seen usually have a moving arm, pair it with the Italian hand gesture for disagreement and boom, a new type of narrative happens with the object. Paired with that smug face and semi-aggressive hand gestures the lucky cat becomes a menacing statue.

Object #6: Lamp (ft. Moon City)

Links: Moon CityLamp

After spending 30 minutes putting together the lamp in Tinkercad, I placed the moon city I found interesting into the cone. Ideas of light probably influenced my decision as I was thinking of the moon as a source of artificial light and a lamp using artificial light. Therefore the common thing to do in my mind was to combine to the two. Maybe should have made the moon a different colour to emphasize the light or bulb. 

Object #7: Treasure Trove

Links: ChestAirpods

Never had airpods, probably never will. 
These instruments of noise are quite hefty in price, furthermore its an apple product so not much we can do about that. I connected its idea of luxury and expensiveness to that of a treasure chest, making the airpod case a treasure chest and the airpods the treasures within..

Object #8: Floatin' Castle

Links: ShipCastle

This one had about 2.4 mil tris that I had to reduce about a few times with major lag. I just wanted to use this amazing castle I saw on Thingiverse however sadly I had to reduce its tris by a lot. A floating city kinda reminds me of that one film from study ghibli Castle in the Sky and the original one "Laputa".

Object #9: Blind Wisdom 

Links: GogglesHandsBust

Once again we visit this 3D object of the bust of Athena but blinded. There's a lot of narrative going on with this one I think, having the literal goddess of wisdom from greek mytho blinded allows one to think of what is blocking the wise eyes. All the more questions as pair of goggles with hands on it blocks her view making this kind of silly. I feel like this is a type of work some people would go too in depth too when really I just plastered this weird object onto a bust. 

Object #10:

Links: BookFlowersStems

Relating back to Project #9 the random meshing and mashing of concepts with no literal goal in mind. The only goal, however, was to make sure the book and flowers meshed well together. There was 0 grass in the Thingiverse search so I had to make do by using colours to merge and through the use of multiple flowers. You kind of focus more on the flower itself rather than the stems sometimes which kind of help but overall, if I put more time into this one I would've placed some sort of grass to hide the jarring transitioning.


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