Mastering the art of Rotate3D (if not dying by it)


During this week of whatever this week was, the task given was to create 10 objects or things in Rhino and unfold them into templates. This week wasn't that bad in terms of understanding and learning as its kinda thinking of patterns in a 3-dimensional sense. Anyways the assignment said to keep this short so I'll end this first paragraph here. 

Object #1: Great Grandfather's Pocket Watch, or was it Great Great Grandfather?

As the title of it states it based on my Great Grandfather's pocket watch. If chosen I want to further the detail and do detailing like Zim & Zou do in their works. I was also thinking of making this functional as this design allows it to open and close but I need more research on that part. 


Object #2: "Thirst Extinguisher": A fake retro fire extinguisher from the 60's that's also an alcohol container.

A flask or something my grandparents got as a house gift when they came to Canada during the late '60s (It also has this music box underneath it for some reason). I could probably make an internal area that's waterproof to make a weird paper flask.

I couldn't put the cylindrical shape for this one in consecutive order as the "rings" would intersect when placed side by side

                                                                                                            Music Box thing

Object #3: Compound Bow (toothpick version)

This one is a bit weird as there's a lot of lore into why I have a bow but doesn't really matter here. However, what I want to do is make a smaller version that shoots toothpicks instead of arrows. The thing is it needs to be stable so I will probably have to layer it instead of making the object hollow. If I am unable to do that I guess I'll redo the design to be hollow and just stare at this unusable bow. 

What I mean by layering is that it would use A LOT of hard cardstock + glue or something to act as the "wooden" limbs and overall structure to provide tension to the (haven't decided material yet) string. 
I would just make a template I would repeatedly cut and cut over and over again till it was thick enough. I might also just get rid of the holes within the bow. 

Object #4: My Lucky St. Micheal Coin

This is a lucky coin I got during a school trip to NYC, though I'm not religious by any means. Anyways, again with the Zim & Zou detailing style I would incorporate as the only thing about this idea is that its more detailing than structure.


Object #5: Simplified Version of my Mug

A very simplified version of my coffee mug.

Object #6: TV Tray

The mechanism in the TV tray is simple as it just uses a few things to make it fold and stand up. I use them often not for food but for the extra surface area when working.

Object #7: My Tower Desk

The desk from Ikea I have that I mashed together with another desk from Ikea

Object #8: Wooden (paper) Mallet

Based on the wooden mallet I made a while ago. 

Object #9: Baby Grand Piano

Based on the piano that I used to play when I still was taking lessons. I made the cover come off and on like the actual piano I have in the design. The design blow turns it into 3 different parts (with one repeated 3 times aka the legs). I also will probably make the bench with the same legs resized.

Object #10: Childhood da Vinci Catapult

As a kid, I loved building and creating stuff and one of my biggest influence was da Vinci. This is based on the catapult I got when I was younger. If I wanted to make it functional I would probably need to reinforce some of the areas (ie. the holes, major places of tension). With this design, I made it so I can just simply build and glue/stake it together rather than having it in one single cut shape and use other materials like small wooden dowels or something (really dependant on the type of paper I guess). 

*Will probably have to fix the number of teeth on the gear

The catapult above I edited a bit as a child to give more force by entering more pressure into the strings and reinforcing the stabilizers but this amount of wind up would probably be too much for the paper to handle


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