When the dust settles... hopefully something will happen idk

The project is not done yet but basically, all that needs to be done is the mechanical part so I should be done by Monday! The hypothesis/design I created for the catapult proved to work well (with 1 adjustment not being accounted for) so hopefully, I should be able to demonstrate it during class. 

*Speaking of class, not that much was said about my project as I think I babbled too much and made people confused about what's happening here. What I did get was that I need to just test things out. 

**You can skip this if you want but some thoughts that came to my mind well speaking was the need and shape of the axel. 

  • Does it need to be round? that would depend on the amount of force and string type I would use and it also takes more string than normal. 
  • The necessity of the gear and shock absorber is not really needed for a catapult with this force. 

Ok so look at this photo, it seems a bit simple but just by looking at this, it's confirming a portion of what I think is going to work. Basically, its a simple stress test using the rubber bands meant to be the string to test the amount of force that can be put on the arms and frame. Though the frame bends a bit, it holds its shape only bending to a certain extent! 

New                                                                                Old

This is just a physical comparison of the frames and immediately it looked stronger than the previous framework

This old version was designed skinny for the blocks support to be the shell but since I added the buckles and internal supports I made the frame-blocks a bit larger so it would be easier to put together. 

 The amount of time I almost lost hope for this idea was a great many, but ever since this new development into the framework structure, the possibility of this working is around 80%. Although externally the frame of the entire catapult seems similar to the previous one, the amount of effort needed to craft is way greater, but it seems to be worth it! 

*on another note my index finger has a numb spot on it right now, probably should not try to make something with this much cutting within a single night

This is the new template I created for the catapult and below is the previous one from the 1st prototype.



Every block has an inside similar to this with the supporting stress design, now that I think of it. It reminds me very vaguely of how pagodas handle earthquakes. It provides support but flexibility to the forces being exerted on it basically having an inner structure while the outer can move a bit freely. 

But the thing is this before the internal frame when added would not fit into the outer shell. So instead of resizing everything, I did something simpler that applies this pagoda-ish effect.

while figuring out this space problem I messed around with the central cylinder. First I tried separating it into two separate pieces to put together as they are two different masses so I thought in theory that the length loss in folding would be reduced as the tabs would compensate for it a bit. But it was still difficult.

Then the new idea of basically making the inner framework a bit more flexible when installing it came to mind so I added slits to each cut side which extended the flexibility range of the inner framework pieces a bit and also allowed them to move a bit. I feel like this overall is beneficial as the paper is not wood and is known to be flexible. Furthermore for it to act somewhat like wood I would need a layer on layer of cardstock which did not sound like a fun time, it would be stronger but with this it kind of makes the frame itself a bow as well other than just the arms. 

Then came adding the replacements to the dowels used to hold in place in the catapult's frame pieces. I used a belt-like system which includes one more not drawing into this design but basically, it acts as the wooden dowels to an extent. 

 *oh yeah I ending up making that gear ornamental as this idea is already too much work...

Making holes was the easiest part because it was just a small x cut within the centre of the square drawn above to find it in the prototype and then pierce and twist to make that nice circular hole above to the right with the inside on the further right side. 

Final Mess

its a lot less than what was last time despite the more pages printed compared to the last template.

Well, I have to paint a still life due tomorrow so I need to sleep. Ciao 


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